Capsicum for babies

Bell Pepper/ Capsicum – offering for the first time (6 month +)

6 to 9 months old Babies can be introduced to Bell Peppers for babies with baby-led weaning.

Yellow capsicum, Red Capsicum and Green Capsicum are packed with Vitamin A, Vitamin C, potassium, fiber as well as other antioxidants. Since it’s such a good source of vitamin C, you can pair it with any iron rich food for better absorption of iron.

Can I introduce Bell Peppers to Babies at 6 month +?

This is a common doubt basically because it belongs to Capsicum family.
Bell Peppers are known as Sweet Peppers because they are sweet, not spicy. Technically Bell Peppers are fruit. Bell Peppers are part of the Capsicum species. But the only Capsicum, that doesn’t produce capsaicin, a chemical in peppers that causes the spiciness.

Does the Different Colour Bell Peppers Taste Different?

Yes. The different colours Bell Peppers taste different.

Red Capsicums are sweetest and juiciest bell peppers. These are fully ripe and the most mature. So, they contain more nutrients than the other peppers (including vitamins A and C).
Yellow Capsicums also has fruity taste and are also sweet. Orange Capsicums are similar to the yellow Bell pepper but a little less sweet. Green Capsicum is the least ripe and the little bitter of the Bell Peppers.

We first started with Yellow Capsicum
Yellow capsicum is definitely one of the newer vegetables we’ve been introduced to in India. It got popular in the recent years and while it looks similar to green capsicum, its taste is little sweet different and you should definitely consider introducing this separately even if you’ve already introduced your baby to green capsicum.

Then, we introduced Red Capsicum after 4 days of our success with yellow Capsicum.
Red capsicum is also newer vegetables we’ve been introduced to in India. It got popular in the recent years along with yellow capsicum. Red Capsicum taste is sweet and Juicy. you should definitely consider introducing this separately even if you’ve already introduced your baby to green capsicum and Yellow Capsicum.

After another 4 days we introduced Green Capsicum to S
Green Capsicum taste is little bitter and it’s such a good source of vitamin C, you can pair it with any iron rich food for better absorption of iron.

Our experience: We introduced the Capsicum (Yellow, Red and Green) steamed to S in his first month of weaning. S absolutely loved it! He loved the bright colours and kept going for more and more pieces. He preferred thinner slices than what I prepared initially so I modified it accordingly. He actually took a big piece into his mouth, chewed through the flesh and spit out the skin alone which I felt was rather advanced for the age. He Liked all 3 Bell peppers Yellow, Red and Green.

Try it with your baby and see how they respond!

How to introduce Capsicum/ Bell Pepper to Baby for Baby Led Weaning?

Capsicum is extremely easy to cook and introduce. We bought organic yellow capsicum/ Red Capsicum/ Green Capsicum from our local store.
Steps to prepare:
Wash capsicum thoroughly and cut in half. Remove the pith, seeds and stem that you find inside.
Cut them in strips lengthwise (at least 2 inches in length). At 6 months you need to offer in bigger longer sizes to help your baby hold onto it with their palm.

Note: We gave it with the skin on. S chewed through the flesh and spit out the skin. You may remove if you’re unsure how your baby might handle it or if your baby has just started self-feeding.

Different Methods of Preparing the Bell Pepper for Baby for Baby Led Weaning.

  1. Steam the Yellow Capsicum well until it’s cooked and soft. You can either use a steamer for better control. Use a toothpick to check if it’s cooked through. Avoid over cooking.
  2. Sauté the Red capsicum prepared as part of step 2 in a little cold pressed oil or unsalted butter until soft.
  3. Roast the Green capsicum until soft.

Note: Adult portion:
Stir Fry Recipe 1. You can Sautee the yellow capsicum along with sliced onions for a simple and easy stir fry that you can use as a side.
Sauté Recipe 2: To make it fancier, you can first sauté onions and chopped garlic in a cold pressed oil of your choice or olive oil. Then add yellow capsicum, onions, red capsicum, asparagus, tofu and/or broccoli (based on what you have available at home) and sauté till soft. At the end lightly season with pepper and salt.
Recipe 3: You can also season this with some oregano, garlic powder, pepper and salt and eat as is.

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